
Contact Us

Newborn (Baby Nurse) Specialist

Experienced in all aspects of caring for a child from birth to about 6months depending on the needs of the parents. The primary function in the home is to assist and support the parents, additionally the specialist also trains the parents particularly in the area of feeding and sleeping schedules .our ultimate goal is to make the parents confident in their ability to take care of the infant at the end of the assignment . 
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Nanny Services

Our Nannies are caregivers who assist moms with the care and well-being of their child/children daily. They are an extension of the mom, seeing to the general needs of the child/children, assisting with light household chores such as meals, laundry, etc. for the child/children. They are also responsible for taking the child/Children to and from daily activities.
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Baby Sitting Services

A responsible, reliable person in charge of overseeing the safety and wellbeing of the child or children in their care, ensuring that the child/ children observe rules of the household and will prepare and settle the child/ children for bedtime if required. It is our pleasure to assist parents in the formative years of the child’s life to nurture the potential that lies within all humans. That is the potential of growing up to become extra ordinarily productive members of society.

We count it a privilege that you would select our company to provide you with this invaluable service. We do not take your trust for granted as we are aware there are several other companies you could have selected to provide you with this service. We value your trust in us and look forward to mutually rewarding experience working together with one our baby sitters.
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Sleep Training

Are you having  stressful and frustrating nights?

Are you questioning your “Mommy Skills”?

Are you exhausted in the morning?

Why not call the experts to help you get  your little angel  sleeping through the nights .You will be glad you called us. 

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